Gardening a Pitiless Mountain Dreamed of Faraway with its Owner Only a Passing Shadow (2011) Oraib Toukan, Talk Dialogue in 3 parts

December 10, 2011 - 16:00

Through a talk entitled ‘Gardening a Pitiless Mountain…,’ Oraib ponders the cinematic representation of a Palestinian revolution through neighboring landscapes, probing and borrowing scenes from films by Abdallah Kawash, Masao Adachi, and Jean-Luc Godard among others that were partly shot in Jordan. The talk is structured against the three-part scene of Bach’s Violin Concerto in E major on roaring war planes in Mustapha Abu Ali’s 1974 film ‘They Do Not Exist.’ Oraib Toukan is an artist based in New York, she teaches and works in Jordan and Palestine.
This event is part of the exhibition Momentarily Learning from Mega-Events curated by Ala Younis for Makan, December 4th 2011 - January 4th 2012.