Besides art... What is art? a Public Debate

October 4, 2010 - 19:30

Besides art, what is art? 
Public debate on art, politics and the ideas behind the exhibition of Annemarie Jacir and Nidal El Khairy. 

Do artists need to be political?  

Should they work within existing political structures or outside of them?  

How are politicians dreamers?  

Why participate in the process of making art?

Why participate in a boycott?  

Why refuse to participate in an election? 

When should artists censor themselves?  

What risks to public expression are too great?  

What does resistance look like?  

When is it time to give up?

Solidarity versus criticism?  

those questions were posed to selected participants (artists, political and social activists, journalists, etc.) and the public was invited to join the discussion. The event was moderated by artist Toleen Touq and curator Eric Gottesman.